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When does a man fall in love with a woman? Can you influence it that it sparks with him? The attraction between men and women is based on various factors. Learn in this article how men develop feelings for a woman...
Facts of science: When do men spark?
Table of Contents:
- How do feelings develop in a man?
- When is a man in love - signs?
- How is desire expressed in men?
- When does a man confess his feelings?
Why and what causes love is a science in itself. There are always many different components that cause butterflies to suddenly buzz around in the stomach. Sometimes it happens right away, and in other cases an infatuation develops gradually.
Falling in love right away feels like being struck by lightning. Suddenly, your own feelings awaken in the most intense way and enable a whole new perception. When this happens and how it sparks with men or women depends on the situation and other circumstances. Sometimes it remains with a short flash in the pan and in other cases people find each other for a real relationship. You can find out what facial expressions and body posture people in love show in the bestseller "Mimikresonanz: Gefühle sehen. Menschen verstehen".
It happens again and again that two people were initially just friends for a certain time. And then suddenly there is a spark. Affected men and women suddenly feel more than mere sympathy for each other. There seems to be something mysterious about why two people suddenly fall in love with each other and why the great love may develop out of it.
And yet scientists have found some explanations for this. When it sparks with men and women, has certain causes. Researchers of psychology that some ideas about falling in love correspond to the facts and others are just myths. Read on and learn more about it.
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Factors so that it sparks in love
1. Appear interested and committed
Basically, the question of why someone falls in love with a person revolves around an attractive appearance. One study found that environmentally conscious people, for example, are more attractive to those who long for a serious relationship. This group of people is perceived as particularly attractive by men and women who want to stay with one partner for as long as possible. The background for the special attraction here lies in the ability to take oneself back in favor of a good cause. These people seem to be able to commit themselves to a fixed partnership as well.
A woman who is primarily interested in shopping for luxury items may seem outwardly attractive to some men. This is usually about a superficial perception that contains little depth in the long run. Here it sparks with men now and then very quickly. However, true love rarely develops in the process.
2. Don't go the "whole hog" right away
Another scientific study reveals that women are particularly attractive to men when they initially behave in a rather disinterested and dismissive manner. The researchers found this out using a speed dating experiment. Men needed the feeling of being able to choose a partner. They emotionally rejected it when a person was simply assigned to them.
In this situation, a potential partner seemed more desirable to the man if he had to make a special effort to win her favor. Even if she did not fit into his prey scheme right away. This speaks for the thesis of the "hunting instinct" in men.
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3. Success with the right facial expressions
Women immediately find those men attractive who show a positive or proud facial expression. For men, this fact is less important in a woman. They are attracted to happy-looking ladies. Women, on the other hand, are not attracted at all to men who appear happy. Behavioral researchers found out about these reactions when they showed photos of a person of the opposite sex to various participants in an experiment.
In the process, the scientists also discovered that men are more likely to find women with an arrogant facial expression repulsive. Both men and women see shyness in potential partners as quite attractive. The fact that similar-looking men and women find each other very attractive is also astonishing.
The study also revealed that women are more focused on the appearance of a dream man than men are on the dream woman. Incidentally, both men and women find their counterpart more attractive if this person resembles their own or a former partner. This behavior is somewhat more pronounced in the female sex.
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4. Use your own gestures correctly
When does it spark between men and women? You impress your admirer by acting lively. This means that you give your conversations more expression through active gestures and thus score points with the other person. By using hand gestures and a self-confident but friendly posture, you achieve attention from the other person.In addition, the evaluation of profile pictures on dating sites showed that partner seekers with extroverted attitudes were selected more frequently. In contrast, people who appeared reserved were not as sought after. People with expansive gestures seem to make more of an impression on others and are considered more attractive.
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Interestingly, many studies show that opposites do not necessarily always attract as is generally claimed. People who are similar in appearance and behavior feel very comfortable with each other. This facilitates mutual empathy and understanding and is another indication of when men and women have a spark.
5. The attention for each other is crucial
The mutual attention and perception in the getting-to-know phase show whether a real relationship is in the offing for both. Mutual interest in the other person is decisive for whether a man and woman really have a spark.Choosing a partner - What role do good looks play?
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Another team of researchers has found among married couples that couples who are not devoted to one another are much more likely to divorce. This is expressed in the posture and interest and attention to each other.
6. Why love also goes through the nose
Men and women are more attracted to each other when they can smell the other well. Researchers showed that women who had just ovulated were strongly attracted to men whose body odor had a high testosterone content. In addition, women in this situation find men with pronounced jawline very attractive and seem to have more attraction to the "stronger" sex.7. What the appearance of parents has to do with falling in love
Scientists from the USA have found that a potential partner is much more attractive if he or she resembles the other person's parents in appearance. Whoever can come up with the same eye and hair color of the father or mother of the admirer is clearly at an advantage. Here it sparks with men more often. Interestingly, even the age of both parents at the time of the partner seeker's birth plays a role in falling in love.It is the case that older parents at birth cause women to be more attracted to more mature men. However, in contrast, researchers did not discover that women of younger parents are more likely to be attracted to younger partners. Men are primarily influenced by the age of the mother at their own birth in terms of partner choice for a long-term relationship.
8. Why a dog gives more attractiveness
An experiment in Israel looked at the reading and interpretation of male profiles in partnership exchanges and on dating platforms. Women were much more likely to select a man with a dog in a photo if they were targeting a long-term partnership. The scientists discovered that men and women with animals on their profile pictures sent positive signals to the other person. The seeker suspects a loving, happier and more relaxed person here.As a woman, however, you don't necessarily have to get a dog yourself for it to spark with men. Obviously, it is already enough to borrow a pet and be seen with it. People who receive many contact opportunities in their partner search can confirm this fact.
9. Why an equally good or better appearance helps in dating
Another study assessed satisfaction among partner seekers who were randomly assigned a person. It turned out that good-looking men and women rated the appearance of the other person more strictly. Even when the other person had a similarly attractive appearance as themselves. Especially good-looking people are difficult to please when selecting a candidate.In general, you can assume that men and women will spark when they meet similarly attractive people to themselves.
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