Are certain values important in a relationship? Many couples confirm that certain things in their partnership are more important than sex. In addition to friendship and trust, these include several other attributes that weld men and women together in the medium and long term. Find out in the following article on which pillars the happiness of love is anchored.
What values matter more in a relationship than sex
For many couples, good sex is one of the most important reasons why they are both together. In addition, however, there are a number of other things that probably contribute even more to the success of life and love happiness. Learn the most important ingredients for this in the following.
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Sex seems to be the most important thing for a young love. When the butterflies fly around and both lovers are floating on cloud nine, it is the highest feeling of all sensations. However, this is not everything for a firm, lasting love. You will only be happy as a couple if other ingredients are added to your connection. Sex researchers confirm that there are still some essential things it takes to make a relationship work. Dr. Meg John Barker and Dr. Jacqui Gabb reveal their secret ingredients in the book "The Secrets of Enduring Love: How to make relationships last" ("Geheimnisse anhaltender Liebe: So funktioniert die Beziehung dauerhaft").
"The Secrets of Enduring Love" focuses on what couples actually do to maintain, nurture, and nourish their relationships. The reader is taken on a journey through different ways of conducting relationships that focus on certain values that emerged from the research: mutual kindness and appreciation, feeling good together, communication and conflict management, sex and intimacy, including others in the relationship (children, pets, friends, hobbies), and telling one's love story.
The following ingredients and values are among the most important basics in a relationship, which, according to science, will let you live in a happy partnership in the long run:
1. Deep friendship with each other
Zwei Menschen, die sich in einer Liebesbeziehung freundschaftlich zugetan sind, verfügen über die beste Voraussetzung für eine lange und glückliche Verbindung. Echte und tiefe Freundschaft ist selten und garantiert beiden, in jeder Lebenssituation füreinander da zu sein. Was gibt es Schöneres und Wertvolleres, was Sie sich gegenseitig schenken können?
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2. Real security in the relationship
Both partners give each other mutual security in a happy relationship. This includes being reliable and faithful. Keep agreements made together. You influence your partnership happiness if you support each other. Avoid at all costs to move your husband or wife or to leave him or her in the lurch in important matters. Be there for each other.
3. Clear communication against misunderstandings
A couple that regularly talks to each other, is in communication with each other, overcomes misunderstandings much easier. Talking together brings both of you closer together and makes it possible to find good compromises in case of disagreements. Often you can defuse problems and crises in advance if you discuss things together and find a solution. Good communication is one of the essential values that count a lot in a relationship and contribute to mutual happiness.
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4. Complete trust for the common well-being feeling
In a happy couple relationship, both trust each other in a perfect way. Because only in this way is there the possibility for you to feel good. If you don't know where you stand with the other person, if he has secrets from you, the happiness of love is impaired in the long run. Mistrust is poison for every partnership and creates a bad climate when living together. Share as much as possible with your partner and keep one of the most important values in a relationship high. The good feeling will strengthen you in this.
5. Caring for each other strengthens security
Life partners who care about each other strengthen each other's backs. Pay attention to each other and recognize what moves the other. Encourage each other and pick each other up when things are going badly. But also share in the good moments of your husband or wife. Rejoice with him or her when a success is achieved. Taking an interest in the other person, caring, is also one of the essential values in a marriage or partnership. In this way, both of you feel well taken care of by the other.
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6. Maintain infatuation and physical attraction
Maintaining mutual infatuation means feeling physical attraction towards your own partner in their presence. Give each other a hug every now and then, stay tender with each other and cuddle in the evening while watching TV. Look for the physical proximity to each other and spend again and again beautiful moments together in your spare time. These will bring you physically and emotionally closer to each other and maintain your infatuation even in long-term relationships. Remain sympathetic to each other. Values like infatuation, longing and affection count a lot in your relationship.
7. Upholding common values and interests
Couples with the same interests, values and ideas about life have it easier. It's easier for them to find harmony and agreement, and they don't have to constantly explain to the other person what the individual is all about. If you have a lot of similarities in a relationship, there are always topics of conversation for you. Similar hobbies help you to experience pleasure together in your free time. However, it is also good for a partnership if both partners do something without the other every now and then. This way, you won't run out of things to talk about.
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8. Mastering disputes with humor
Life together in a relationship is easier when there are fewer misunderstandings. It is helpful if you and your partner have a similar sense of humor and quickly understand what matters to the other person. This prevents you from arguing too often and losing too much energy. Common values such as a similar sense of humor and mutual understanding cannot be valued highly enough in a life partnership.
9. See beautiful things together and experience happiness
Couples who have an eye for the beautiful things in life together, are in a positive mood, experience happy moments more often. Similar preferences and the same taste, for example, in the furnishing of the shared apartment, let you be happy together. Pay conscious attention to what brings you joy together and makes you bond as a couple. Share your feelings with each other and gain greater understanding for each other. Values in the form of beauty count a lot in a relationship.
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10. Setting the right priorities in the relationship
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